Open for Business!!

Going into business was not exactly something on the radar of my life. To be quite honest, I was always switching from one career idea to another. Heck, at one point I wanted to be a meteorologist or do something that had its foundation in biology and chemistry. Weird, I know. Misguided in every way? Most definitely.

Thank God (phew) that I lost interest in biology and failed chemistry in Form 3/Grade 8! But over the years, various career ideas kept popping up (trust me…the list is super long) and I kept on asking…seeking perhaps, for the ideal career that will make me happy or rather, enjoy for the rest of my life.

So why Auxano Resources? Well, I invite you stick around because over the next few days and weeks, you will be given the answer to this question and more. I’ll also be sharing from my own experiences since they serve as my main text book that no academic experience can ever teach.

But what is important to know is that my purpose is to equip you, your families, your communities and your organizations to grow and grow well.  I’ll write about the various services and the reasons for such in my upcoming articles. But it is important to know is that Auxano Resources is open for business and I am looking forward to meeting and working together with you. It is something that I truly enjoy and I look forward to providing the resources you need to grow and be successful in this life.

Take care,


Kareem is the Co-Founder |CEO of Auxano Resources and has worked in the marketing communications field for 7 years in both the private and public sector; served a director in a private residential company for 3 years and has over 13 years of combined experience at the mid-leadership level of a not for profit, charitable organization in the areas of youth development and music management. He’s a lover of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and outdoors activities such as kayaking, bike riding, hiking and camping in the bush.  He’s also crazy about spending quality time with carefree teenagers on Friday nights as a big brother/father and mentor. He’s been bitten by the travel bug and loves to travel and believes Batman is just awesome. His close friends means the world to him and  he is totally grateful to the people in his life who worked with him as mentors and as big brothers and big sisters. Ultimately, he loves Jesus and serves people willingly and relentlessly as the ultimate expression of that love.

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